Thursday, 30 September 2010

And Then There were 4

Hi again!
Seth: (is busy hugging Florin who wanted to come out and play)
Nat: So where were we? Oh yeah. Our girls came home and shared many a fun rattie play times with us, peeing on our hands, digging up the litter bag, attacking our mouths in a ferocious yet loving attempt to see what was inside...

2 Weeks Later...

Seth tells me he needs various rattie things at the pet store and I started thinking about Penny and Florin's poor sister and if she had been given to a good home yet. I talked to Seth about it (who was completely unhelpful and said it was up to me) so I called the pet shop and she was STILL there! How could no one want this lovely baby dumbo rattie?

I said we should go down to see if the pet store would sell her to us as we already had her sisters but when we got down there, they wouldn't sell her without a friend (to keep the new ratties all in pairs).

Well...I was just going to call it quits but SETH said-
Seth: That's it, blame me you big crazy hormone bag.
Nat: (smiles innocently)

She really wanted that rat. We would have been there all day, also Penny and Florin did NOT get on. Not in a violent way, it's just that Penny and Florin have rather different personalities... and well Florin... she's annoying. I wouldn't want to be trapped in a cage with her for most of the day either. And so you see, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we needed those new rats.

Not only that; but the new rats the store had got in were farmed rats! *Shocked and horrified gasp* We had to rescue at least one of them! And we did, in the way of Bella a blonde hooded top-eared rat who, whilst shy and terrified of being picked up, so clearly wanted to be loved.

Breaking news!

Seth: I hear from my associate that THREE of the girls just bundled into the hamster igloo we got for them, and the top has popped right off the base. *sigh* 

So without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce Pippin and Bella:

Pippin discovers what's inside socks.

This is Pippin, she looks much like Florin cept she's half the size and her hood reaches all the way to her bum. She fit right in when we got her home and was out of the cage as soon as we opened the door for her, exploring, avoiding me, and trying to wiggle her way into Seth's underwear (I'm pretty convinced all 3 sisters got the tart gene). She's clever like Penny but playful like Florin and Penny was really happy to see her. In fights, she never takes anything without dishing something equal back and we call her sneezy because she sneezes all the time (though she's getting less sneezy as the days go on).

Bella looks out longingly at play-time .

And this is little Bella, she's a week younger than the sisters so she seems tiny by comparison. Especially next to Florin! She's so shy and she still hates being picked up, but she's quite alright with being handled now. I'd love to see her real personality when she's come out of her shell a bit. The way she teases Florin, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't end up being a bit of pre-madonna.

The end. Beginning.

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